Learning Intention: I can summarize a news article in my own words.

The Twinkie Disappearance


Twinkies and Wonder Bread co. is going out of business! We have received news from Hostess on Nov. 19, 2012 that the companies of Twinkies and Wonder Bread is going out of business due to low amounts received from selling Twinkies, this has affected over 20,00 people because 20,000 jobs were lost and the employees that have families need the money from that job. Americans are now eating more healthy, so that means that could be the cause of this catastrophe or revelation and mean that a 1930 classic snack has disappeared. In my opinion, Twinkies don’t matter to me, snacks come and go but this is a classic so others feel different compared to me.

robertthestiffer. “So Long, Twinkies: Hostess
         Closes Its Doors.” www.wbkr.com
         Nov. 26, 2012. <